Microsoft Power BI: Key characteristics, advantages and disadvantages

Microsoft Power BI

Power BI is an analytics and visualization product slowly taking over the world of business intelligence. Businesses are adopting it rapidly, and the adoption rate will only increase with the release of the native mobile app. However, like any other product, Power BI has its upsides and downsides that keep many businesses wary of adopting […]

The 10 Best Tableau Data Visualization To Follow


You must be looking for the best tableau data visualization to follow since you are reading this article. Before we dive into the world of Tableau data visualization, it is for the best we got to know what tableau data visualization means and more about it.  What is Tableau? What is a tableau? It is […]

IT as a Company Value Multiplier

IT as a Company Value Multiplier Company value is said to be the determination of the economic value of the entire company or a specific branch. Company value needs to be determined due to various reasons such as during taxation cases, selling or acquisition, partnership claims, or divorce cases. Value multipliers are used to display […]

6X Fast Development with AWS WarpSpeed


6X Fast Development with AWS WarpSpeed 21st-century businesses need to rely on a number of solutions. The fast development of solutions that speed things up, improve communications, and brings a better outcome is the need of the hour. All these solutions are collectively known as product accelerator services. These services include products as well as […]